Monday, September 16, 2013

parti and massing_assignment3


  1. Dear Marco,
    This is Cecilia, one of your on-line reviewers. I am a designing and project managing architect with mostly commercial projects, usually in citycenters. I will review your work now and then, and comment depending on the time available!

    Please write down some of your thoughts when you post your work!

    Looking forward to see your Site Research!


  2. Hi,

    I just saw a post I had missed, where you explained that it is a club and restaurant you would like to design!

    I do not think that the function of a winery is the best choice to add to your club. To solve the logistics of a winery located in a city is a huge task, and would take the focus away from your main goal. See plans for a winery here:

  3. I don´t want to discourage you if you have gotten som great idéas!

    But narrowing down is usually better than trying to get too much into a project!

  4. I was planning to have a winery/bar restaurant and have a club next to the winery/bar restaurant.
